Calculate your Metabolic Burn Rate (TDEE):
Natural TDEE= 370+21.6×Lean Body Mass in kilograms (LBM kg)
Exercise TDEE:
Natural TDEE×1.2=1-3 Hours of Exercise(W/hr)
Natural TDEE×1.35=4-6 W/hr
Natural TDEE×1.5=6+ W/hr
How much protein do you need?:
Low = 1.3 to 1.8 × LBM kg
Average = 2.2 × LBM kg
High = 2.6 to 3.3× LBM kg←
Consume 30g to 40g of Whey or Egg Protein post workout. Whey and Egg proteins have high concentrations of lycine. Lycine directly stimulates muscle growth. You may also consume Kascine or Egg protein as a snack or before bed if you're feeling hungry or need help sleeping. Never consume Soy or ISO Flavin Proteins as this will lead to poor muscle growth, just like how you would never put diesel in a sports car.
Typical Protein consumption routine:
Breakfast: 30g - 40g
Lunch: 30g - 40g
Pre Workout: 30g - 40g
Post Workout: 30g - 40g
Dinner: 30g - 40g
Pre Bed: 30g - 40g
= 210g - 270g
Bulking, Cutting, and Maintenance
-Download my fitness pal to your phone it's free
-Don’t Eat too Much when Bulking
-Only Bulk when at 10%-15% body fat
-Cut at 17%+ Body Fat
-Stay within 50 calories of target
-Avoid cheating except for 1 meal per week
-Measure your how you feel pre start and every 7 days or so, measure the following: weight, clothes, mirror, energy, strength, sleep, etc.
Cutting 101-How to eat for maximum fat loss:
-Lose 1-2 lbs per week
-you may lose 2-3 lbs the first weeks of cutting, double if you had never previously exercised.
Bulking 101: eating for maximum gains
-you should only gain .5-1lb per week
Maintaining 101-How to stay looking good and feeling good:
-you should stay in a 2lb margin above or below your current weight as your body weight can change due to water consumption altitude and other variables.
Mens Diet Calculations
Basal Metabolic Rate
BMR = 10 x weight (in kilograms) + 6.25 x height (in centimeters) – 5 x age (in years) + 5
Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE)
BMR x 1.15 = Sedentary (little or no exercise) BMR x 1.2 to 1.35 = Light activity (1 to 3 hours of exercise or sports per week) BMR x 1.4 to 1.55 = Moderate activity (4 to 6 hours of exercise or sports per week) BMR x 1.6 to 1.75 = Very active (7 to 9 hours of exercise or sports per week) BMR x 1.8 to 1.95 = Extra active (10+ hours of exercise or sports per week)
Cutting 101-How to eat for maximum fat loss:
-Lose 1-2 lbs per week
-you may lose 2-3 lbs the first weeks of cutting, double if you had never previously exercised
Cutting Daily Calorie Target
CDCT = TDEE x .75
Protein = CDCT x .4 / 4
Carbohydrate = CDCT x .4 / 4
Fat = CDCT x .2 / 9
Bulking 101: eating for maximum gains
-you should only gain .5-1lb per week
Bulking Daily Calorie Target
BDCT = TDEE x 1.1
Protein = BDCT x .25 / 4
Carbohydrates = BDCT x .55 / 4
Fat = BDCT x .2 / 9
Maintaining 101-How to stay looking good and feeling good:
-you should stay in a 2lb margin above or below your current weight as your body weight can change due to water consumption altitude and other variables.
Maintenance Daily Calorie Target
MDCT = TDEE ± 100
Protein = TDEE x .3 / 4
Carbohydrates = TDEE x .45 / 4
Fat = TDEE x .25 / 4
Advanced cutting and bulking
Calorie cycling: Leptin is the chemical in your brain that tells you when you're hungry if you were to say bulk or cut for a week or more your average leptin levels will be too high or too low causing your body to reject your new routine. This rejection can cause people on cuts to go on massive food binges, and for people bulking you may not want to eat anything at all.
-To avoid low or high leptin levels Calculate your macros as a weekly and try to stay over or under your TDEE 5 days a week and be under or over your TDEE the other 2 days per week this will reset your leptin levels, reduce cravings or overstuffing, and allow you to continue with your cut or bulk indefinitely
Micro cuts/bulks: For every pound of muscle gained we also gain a pound of fat but for every pound of fat lost we lose .2lbs of muscle. When we micro bulk or cut we are taking advantage of the bodies willingness to lose fat and stubbornness to lose muscle this gives us the ability to gain 7.2 lbs of muscle during a bulk and only gain 4.8 lbs of fat or conversely losing 18.2 lbs of fat and only losing 3.8 lbs of muscle.
To reduce the effects of muscle loss or fat gain during your cutting and bulking cycles include a micro cut or bulk. If cutting a micro bulk can add muscle back in the middle of the cut eliminating the muscle loss complaints of trained athletes who are trying to cut fat. If bulking micro cuts minimize your fat gain causing a buy 2 lbs get 1 free effect on muscle growth
Muscle gained per pound gained during bulk .5/lb
muscle lost per pound lost during cut .2/lb
Example 9 month bulking cycle
Bulk months 1-4: 8 pounds gained
Cut month 5: 4 pounds lost 4
Bulk Months 6-9: 8 pounds gained
Muscle gained 7.2 lbs
Fat gained 4.8 lbs
Example 7 month cutting cycle
Cut months 1-3: 12 pounds lost
Bulk month 4: 2 pounds gained
Cut months 5-7: 12 pounds lost
Muscle lost 3.8lbs
Fat lost 18.2 lbs
Editing diet and general tips:
-Edit your calorie intake and macros based off your new weight every week
- if you're losing during a cut, more than 1-2 lbs per week after 5 weeks, try eating 100-200 more calories per day
-If you're gaining unplanned weight try eating 100-200 calories less
-Never fuel your body with junk food except for 1 meal a week
-Avoid soda, drink Zevia at a max of 1 per 2 days
-Experiment with supplements such as caffeine, creatine, L-theanine, and mushrooms.
Meal plan:
-I know some people can't afford to eat healthy so I've compiled a list of cost effective foods as follows: Eggs, Chicken, Almonds, Almond Butter, Low fat Cottage Cheese, Protein Powder, Avocado, Oats, Oatmeal, Black Beans, Brown Rice, quinoa, Grapes, apples, bananas, oranges, and sweet potatoes. Try recipes labeled paleo but include things like a sprinkle of cheese or condiments for flavor.
-There are many other foods that are similar to these that you can eat as well and if you can afford it splurge on the small things like butter, protein powder, almond milk, red meats, and organic foods as these will improve muscle quality and gains drastically.