Medusa Challenge 2-6 players
There are four targets placed in a designated area 5-7 yards away
Advantage round
- Randomly select a drill Using the drill cards. Whoever performs the drill the fastest wins the advantage.
- Hunt Ready up
- High-port/Sul ready up
- Compressed ready up
- Crisscross 3 targets
- El Presidenté 3 targets
- Blake Drill 3 targets
- 1 emergency reload 3
- 3 tactical reload 3
- Failure to eject drill
- Failure to feed
- Transition from rifle to pistol
- Quick Draw/Ready up from rest
- The advantaged player sets the par time for the points round.
Available par times
- Average: 6 seconds
- Good: 5 seconds
- Possible: 4 seconds
Points round
- While the Competitor turns their back, opposing players will place hand cutouts and badges on the targets. On the buzzer, the competitor will turn and process targets
- Terms to know:
- Canary: non-combatants
- Parrot: status unknown(will be explained in more detail below)
- Crow: Terrorist or enemy
- The best operators on the planet use this verbiage for designating target classification.
- The hand cutouts determine the target as a Crow, Parrot, or Canary
- Crows are targets pointing a firearm at you
- Crows are also targets in possession of edged weapons or firearms with no badges or open palms
- Canaries are targets with no weapons of any kind
- If badges or open palms are placed on a threat in possession of a weapon, they are determined as a Parrot
- If the target is holding an improvised weapon, they are a Parrot
- Canaries are targets with no weapons of any kind
- Every bypassed Canary or shot Crow counts as one point. Parrot targets are awarded 2 points as long as commands are issued. To get points on a Parrot, you must say, "Slowly place your hands on your head." If a Parrot is processed as a threat, the player only receives 1 point.
- points are only given to targets engaged in the lungs, heart, spine, or T-box
If the round is completed under the par time set by the advantaged player bonus points are awarded.
- 1 bonus point for saying NoBody Move 3 times
- 1 Bonus point for completing in under an average par time
- 2 bonus points for completing in under a good par time
- 3 bonus points for completing in under a possible par time
- 1 bonus point for performing a reload
- 1 bonus point for each threat engaged in both the upper torso and head
- 1 bonus point for each Controlled Pair
- 1 bonus point for each target engaged in the spine or T-box
- 2 bonus points for threats engaged while moving laterally
- 1 bonus point for beginning to say "if you know anything that could harm us slowly raise your hand" if said to completion
- 1 bonus point for every engaged crow who has taken a hostage
The competitor with the most points after 20 minutes is the winner of the game.